Musings about Roots

by Tamara Imboden, on 3 August 2019 (view profile)


A tree's roots are an integral part of how a tree grows. Because when a seedling sprouts roots, the roots need to spread wide, reach far, and become as grounded as possible in order to help the tree to grow. There are many roots. Countless. And each bit of earth that the roots spread to contributes to the way in which the tree grows.


But once the tree's roots are firmly in the ground, a myriad of other factors come into play. Does the tree get enough water? Sunlight? Is there room to grow? Are other trees taking away its space? Is someone throwing rocks at the tree? The roots may largely steer the beginning of the tree's life, but its environment then defines whether or not the tree will grow.


Interestingly, we never wonder about the roots of real trees. We cannot see them. But when it comes to people, we sometimes let questions about where those roots might be overshadow whether or not the tree gets enough water. 

by Tamara Imboden, on 3 August 2019

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